10th February 09, 04:24 AM
Australia Wildfires
Let us hear from our friends in Australia. Very sorry to hear about this latest disaster.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
10th February 09, 05:06 AM
Here, here, Australia has always come through for us when we've need them... The Great War, The Second War, Korea, Malaya, Vietnam (that we stayed away from) backed us up in the Falklands conflicted, Yugoslavia, Iraq and AFG... No stauncher mate.
"Advance Australia Fair"
The 'Eathen in his idleness bows down to wood and stone,
'E don't obey no orders unless they is his own,
He keeps his side arms awful,
And he leaves them all about,
Until up comes the Regiment and kicks the 'Eathen out.
10th February 09, 05:21 AM
I too have been watching the Australian news with dismay. It just goes to show how insignificant we humans are, when nature decides to flex its muscles and that's without some humans(?) giving nature a hand. My heart goes out to all those afflicted by this disaster.
10th February 09, 05:43 AM
It would seem that some of the fires may have been set deliberately. Given the loss of life, I hope that anyone they catch doing that is locked up and the keys thrown away.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
10th February 09, 06:19 AM
It is just a very sad situation. The arial pictures of the devistation in Australia on the BBC website show just how wide spread the fires were. The interviews from the survivors on the news last night were heart breaking.
Lets hope the worst is over. I hope all X-marks members are safe and sound.
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley
10th February 09, 08:59 AM
I have friends there that I have yet to hear from and a fear the worst. I've contacted others to check and have yet to get a reply. I hope and pray they are alive and well.
10th February 09, 10:14 AM
The part of Austrailia that burned was where a good friend of mine came from.
My thoughts to all those effected by the fires
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
10th February 09, 01:25 PM
It would seem that some of the fires may have been set deliberately. Given the loss of life, I hope that anyone they catch doing that is locked up and the keys thrown away.
I'll add my 2 cents here.
As far as I'm concerned a prison sentence is to lenient, maybe a one off case of corporal punishment needs to be looked at here, due to the large loss of life, and after all it is mass murder...
why should these one or two scumbags get to live their days out locked up while others had no chance...
The world is far to PC now...
Our thoughts are with our convict cousins...
Phil C
12th February 09, 01:52 PM
Knowing how a fire can restart spontaneously on a hot summer afternoon in England, even after extensive damping down, I am highly suspicious of the claims that fires were restarted deliberately - that is what was claimed originally - restarted.
It seems now that there is a hunt for arsonists, people want to have someone to blame for so many deaths, but the areas where the fires have been appear to have consisted of houses surrounded by vegetation, narrow roads and nothing to stop a fire.
The weather was reported as windy, very hot, and drought conditions - it would only take a discarded bottle to start a fire, and then it was just a matter of a very little time.
Wasn't there a similar situation in the US some years ago? I think I remember when fire went through a neighbourhood where there were quite a few trees and bushes in gardens, planted some decades before and as the area matured, it became a disaster waiting to happen.
Anne the Pleater
12th February 09, 06:27 PM
Have some "suspects" in chains at the mo...
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