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  1. #1
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    The few, the proud, the kilted Czechs

    When I first signed on at XTMS, I mentioned that some day that would get me a Czech National tartan kilt (STA#7474). I also was surprised to find that there's a Czech Scottish Friendship Society. Even more surprising was finding a Czech KILT forum! But knock me over with a feather when I found that they wrote an article about US here at XTMS. LOL...

    Anyway, I doubt most of the rabble can read any Czech, but the link is http://www.kilt.cz and there is indeed a Czech rabble.

    Here is a transcript of the article they wrote about us:

    Nejsme tu sami! X Marks the Scot
    29.Května 2008, 07:57
    Publikováno v: Články | Autor: Štěpán

    Nápad s mapou kiltařů a sukňařů se ukázal být méně ojedinělý, než jsem očekával. Na Kiltday.com jsem totiž opilecky sletěl do králičí nory, která vedla k mapě kiltařů z celého světa, resp. k mapě spousty nadšených amíků. Až mi vstávaly bujné lokny, když jsem viděl jak je ta mapa skupiny X Marks the Scot od maps.google.com nátěrová. Zas bych nejspíš zaprodal své Ego ďáblu, kdybych se bez náznaku sebetrýznění uchýlil k tak snadnému řešení. Ovlivněn tímto mohu říci, že se v blízké budoucnosti (možná do pochodu Prahou) chystá pár updatů mapy statečných o funkce jako jsou profily statečných, zoom, apod.
    Translation (mine. It's far from perfect, as the Czech I know is not modern enough to keep up with the many expressions, slang terms, abbreviations, etc that are so common on the net. I grew up speaking it but unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to keep current with it... But hopefully this is good enough to get the message across).

    We are not alone! X Marks the Scot
    May 29, 2008 07:57
    Published in: Articles : Author: Steven

    The idea of a map of kilties and skirt-ies turns out to be far less unique than I had anticipated. From kiltday.com I drunkenly descended down the rabbit hole that led me to a map of kilties from the whole world, with an especially high number of Yanks that are impressed by the kilt. (note: I don't think he was using the word Yank in a derogatory way) I got goosebumps when I saw just how expansive this X Marks the Scot group's map from google.com really was. Again, I'd probably be selling my soul to the Devil to audaciously come up with such an elegant solution without any outward signs of self-torture. (I know. That sentence didn't make too much sense to me -- but I did my best with it). Inspired by this, I can say that in the near future (maybe before the parade through Prague) I'm preparing some updates of the "map of the brave" (note: the word statečný means someone who is courageous or brave, so my thinking is that possibly that's the local, Czech equivalent of "kilted rabble" -- I mean, you do have to be somewhat brave to don the kilt)... with new functions like viewing user profiles, zoom, etc...

    I then clicked onto their kiltie map: http://www.kilt.cz/mapa-statecnych/

    Here's a translation of the write-up (from the website)

    Interactive map of Kilt.cz
    April 19, 2008, 20:42
    Published in: Map of the Courageous : Comments (6) : Author: Steven

    It cost hectoliters of sweat and blood, but the world's first statistical map of men in kilts in the Czech Republic has finally come into existence. In a way, it's an "endangered species" map, threatened by extinction. You can also participate in its creation. Just add yourself to the map.

    Well, there you have it! How about a big hand for our kilted brothers in the Czech Republic. Kilt on!!!

  2. #2
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    BTW, I was wondering what that "March through Prague" was all about, and it seems that the kilted movement in the Czech Republic has its own uhh... Kilted Pride Parade for lack of better words. Their photo gallery is up on their website...

    The signs in Czech (left to right, front to back) read:
    "Men look good in skirts"
    "Why mens' skirts? Why not?"
    "Mens' skirts: comfortable elegance"
    "We demand the same equality shown to women in pants"

    For the record, I neither condemn nor condone their take on the kilt. I know some of the rabble are uneasy with equating kilts with skirts... But I just thought I'd point out a kilted movement that's taken a completely different direction, in an unexpected country...

  3. #3
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    It is always interesting to learn what is going on in different parts of the world.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

  4. #4
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    Good for them!

    There is a Zen concept: Beginner’s Mind.

    Before you know about kilts a kilt is just a kilt.

    While you are studying kilts it gets complicated.

    Teaching (and preaching) about kilts is more complicated still.

    But after enlightenment - a kilt is just a kilt.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  5. #5
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    Well, good for the Czechs, and glad they have tartans of their own.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  6. #6
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    Who would have thought that Czechs and tartans DO go together.

  7. #7
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    Well I am glad about it. And wish there were more of us, in more places.

  8. #8
    macwilkin is offline
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    There is also a fairly large Burns Supper in Prague:


    Our society exchanged greetings with them back in 2006.



  9. #9
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    Good for them, best of luck for their continued success.

  10. #10
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    That was very interesting. Thank you for sharing that. I wish them much success and the best of luck.

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