July 24th Parade - Ben Lomond High School Pipers "The Scots"
Here in Utah July 24th is a state holiday. It commemorates the day the Mormon Pioneers entered the valley. They have a good sized parade every year in Ogden City (right near my home). We go every year and very much enjoy it. There is always one pipe band that plays in the parade. They are a local high school band: The Ben Lomond Scots. I am always proud to see these young men and women dress up in their kilts and play. I believe it takes a lot of courage for them to do it. They were the only pipers out of 123 entries! Besides our men and women from the armed forces, I believe they received the loudest applause. Here is a short video clip from the parade:
Not the most traditional song, but still a lot of fun.
Not bad. The choice of music is understandable for a high school band. Still, I wouldn't mind hearing a pipe band arrangement of something more like, say, "Hard Times Come Again No More".