30th October 09, 08:07 PM
Retiree Forum Recomendations?
Is there a Retiree Forum somewhere that is not profession/occupation or interest specific?
I’ve been retired for two and a half years.
In the first year I generally maintained my workplace habits and attitudes.
In the second year the aforementioned began to drift, to slide, to blur, to change.
I’m becoming (have become) to a greater more often than to a lesser extent, a new and different person.
Yes much of my personality is fixed (never say final), but still, my discovery of my retiree self is at best an exploration and an adventure.
Or a confusion.
Or at worst a basket of looming fears.
Changes in interests, concerns, and prospects beckon, or compel.
Frequently now, I have thoughts or observations or questions that seem to me to be influenced and informed by my retiree persona.
They run the gamut; from wise and experienced fully mature man to (equally fully) impatient and out-of-touch old man (American: coot/codger).
If you recognize that place, where do you go on the internet to share thoughts or stories?
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]
30th October 09, 09:19 PM
30th October 09, 10:07 PM
You can find a ton of interesting old people here.
30th October 09, 11:29 PM
Having basically done the retirement thing recently myself, I do notice some of the same things myself. I have noticed a tendency to be somewhat more intolerent toward the rude and the unintelligent. I think that for me it is the fact that at my age I do not have to put up things that I used to. It also follows that I can do things that I needed tacit permission for before.
31st October 09, 05:55 AM
 Originally Posted by Larry124
I’m becoming (have become) to a greater more often than to a lesser extent, a new and different person.
Yes much of my personality is fixed (never say final), but still, my discovery of my retiree self is at best an exploration and an adventure.
Or a confusion.
Or at worst a basket of looming fears.
Changes in interests, concerns, and prospects beckon, or compel.
Which is exactly why I think the term retirement should be changed to renaissance.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
31st October 09, 10:13 AM
 Originally Posted by Big Mikey
Yes, AARP should ideally be interesting, but I find it to consist entirely of special interest politics, mindless advertising, reinvent-the-wheel “wellness” filler, and timid profiles of older (and well to do) celebrities.
A little of that goes a long way.
See? Cranky.
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]
31st October 09, 12:13 PM
All I can say is, "I'm jealous!" Just shy of 5 years to go...!
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
31st October 09, 12:28 PM
I feel to make best use of your retirement is to find a hobby, that will replace the time spent for work... I have known folks who got involved with gold "mining/panners", diamond digs (Arkansas has diamond fields), treasure hunters, ect., anything that will require a work ethic, while providing a rewarding result with a proper dilligence. I guess any self employment that does not require a set schedule, or a necessary income, will give you the same result.
Check out the various websites covering the field you are interested in, and more than likely you will find a group of other retirees, who are involved, for the same reasons.
Gold panners only require a minimal expense to get started, as is the diamond hunters.. Basic shovels, rakes, picks, pans, or the such.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
31st October 09, 12:32 PM
Deleted as I read OP's first thread again.. Wanting to stay away from occupational specific forum.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
31st October 09, 08:31 PM
One part of my personality that seems fixed is that I move on. What’s next?
I didn’t cling to high school or college or to my employments of those years.
My adult home and community were different from those of my youth.
We have a family ethos: Don’t let the workplace define you.
My work career is old news. I almost returned part-time but I no longer have the interest or patience. On my way out, a superior (for decades) whom I admired greatly said to me: You cared for others (I was in Human Services), now it’s time to care for your family (poor health of wife and father) and for yourself. That was wise advice, as usual.
I miss that lady.
Industriousness vs. idleness is to me a false choice.
The world is filled with busy and energetic people who get things done.
Or (just as often?) get the wrong things done.
Workaholics: A blessing and a curse. It would be controversial to delve into the virtues and vices of “work ethic” or “work ethics”.
We often urge people to: “Stop and smell the roses”. But not for too long God forbid. I’ll smell the roses as long as I want thank you.
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]
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