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  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th January 10
    Mount Olive, North Carolina
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    Kilted at Marvanna

    This past weekend my wife was competing in a dance competition outside of Wilmington, NC. Of course our daughter and I attended to provided emotional support. My wife surprised me by asking me to wear my plain black SWK with my ASR (American Stepdance Revolution) shirt. Unfortunatly I had let a friend borrow that particular kilt, but I laid out my Scottish National tartan with the shirt and she approved.

    Needless to say I was the only person at the competition kilted and for the first few acts I was stuck out back working on props for their dance. When I finally got inside I caught a few sideways glances, especially from the building staff, but it was fairly quiet.

    When, finally, it got to be their turn to dance I got called into active duty again. I had to help move the props onto the stage. While trying to figure out where everything was supposed to go I heard someone whistle at me. What fun.

    After the award ceremony (ASR did well by the way) we had to go take pictures. Some random lady asked to take my picture. That seems to happen a lot when I am kilted. Then we went to Applebees for lunch. It was over all a great day with the family.

    Hopefully I will have some pictures to post soon. Unfortunatly no cameras were allowed in the auditorium in case of distraction.


    I forgot to mention that my wife is a clogger and has been for 17 years. She has done Irish Stepdance in the past and has mentioned wanting to get back into it.
    Last edited by ABG0819; 13th July 11 at 07:17 AM.
    "Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)

    It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    21st May 10
    Waco, TX
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    Sounds like a good time. But, where are the pictures?
    How did your wife do in the competition?
    B.D. Marshall
    Texas Convener for Clan Keith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    19th January 10
    Mount Olive, North Carolina
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    I think I answered both of those questions is the OP. But, my wife's clogging team did very well. The judging system was a little strange but they left with a lot of trophys and plaques. As to the questions about pictures, there were no cameras allowed in the auditorium. A few pictures were taken outside but I have to wait for copies to post them.
    "Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)

    It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.

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