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  1. #1
    Join Date
    22nd May 08
    Vancouver on the Mighty Columbia. That's in Washington State USA for the geographically challanged.
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    Warning - Ebay seller Pipeband Outfitters and David McGlynn

    Over 60 days ago, Captmac purchased two items on Ebay. One from Pipeband Outfitters and one from David McGlynn. He hasn't received either item and in persuing a claim with Paypal, he discovered that they are both the same person. While he would rather have the items than his money back, and sincerely hopes that no harm has come to David McGlynn, we felt it important to warn people to avoid this ebay seller. We will let the forum know if we receive a satisfactory resolution from Mr McGlynn.

    Mods, if there is a more appropriate place to put this warning, please move it.

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    17th January 11
    Berlin and Dresden, Germany
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    Re: Warning - Ebay seller Pipeband Outfitters and David McGlynn

    I would advise you to call up your page at ebay and send a mail through them to the vendor. That usually gets you a reply as opposed direct to the seller.
    If the vendor is a bad thing he gets banned from the Bay.

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