Steve, hope you have a great day!
Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot Eastern Region Vice President North Carolina Commissioner Clan Sinclair Association (USA)
Happy Birthday Steve, hope its a great day.
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one.
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
Happy Birthday, mate! Many happy returns of the day! Slainte!
Happy Birthday, with wishes for many more to come!!
Happy birthday, Steve!
Shaun Maxwell Vice President & Texas Commissioner Clan Maxwell Society
Ah, I just saw this thread. Thanks much, guys. It was a good one. I'm still in NY on business, but the fiance came up for a visit.
Steve; Are you still acknowledging birthdays? How are you going to keep your young lass interested if she knows you are getting older? LOL
B.D. Marshall Texas Convener for Clan Keith
Happy Birthday Steve
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