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  1. #11
    Panache's Avatar
    Panache is offline
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    I am in accord with the others and think the first outfit is best and looks good. In fact, I think I have that exact waistcoat from Target and think it can work well with a kilt unaltered.

    There are a couple things I would advise but they are just nitpicking. You look great. If you are interested in what I would do see my list below.

    (1) Unbutton the last button on the waistcoat

    (2) Lower you sporran by about an inch and a half

    (Both of these things will make the waistcoat fit in with highland attire better)

    (3) Move your flashes back a bit, they seem to far forward. You seem to have them at 11:00 and 1:00, I wear mine far more forward than most and go for 10:00 and 2:00

    (4) Lose the sgian dubh (It is a workplace situation and this could be an easy out for the manager to not allow further kilted outfits to work because of you bringing a "weapon" into the workplace).

    (5) Shoes, listen to MoR and Jock Scot

    (6) Target sells Coleman pocket watches with a chain for $20. Think about picking one up to wear with the waistcoat. A watch chain in one's waistcoat is a very nice accent.

    (7) As others have noted SMILE! (You look great and should be happy)


    Jamie :ootd:
    Last edited by Panache; 23rd November 09 at 12:17 PM. Reason: spelling
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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