Yes – I used to be glued to the set to Dr Who when I was a nipper back in the 1960’s. I remember Frazer Hines (later of “Emmerdale Farm”) well and when, after his adventures, he was returned to where he was first encountered, fighting off a redcoat ! My big brother used to try and spoil Dr Who for me by telling me the Daleks were actually wee men pedaling tricycles inside the Dalek shells. We know he is wrong of course ! They were really nasty aliens ! We even saw one being removed from its shell once (on B&W TV) and the shell was full of Alien Fairy Liquid foam ! Very spooky !! Ahhh – TV Sci-Fi has come a long way since then, but there was a certain innocence about Dr Who back then !

If I remember correctly, it was on BBC on a Saturday afternoon, after the football results, while I was eating my cold Virginia ham and Heinz beans (was there really any other for British kids ? better than HP !) with chips !