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Thread: Outfit critique

  1. #31
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan's son View Post
    Well, since you asked

    First off, if you are going to be the only one kilted, I would have you seriously consider wearing a suit, sport coat and tie etc. It's just too hard not to be a peacock when you are the only one kilted, and someone else's wedding is not the place to be a peacock. Friends/brides tend to be very accommodating, I think it's our responsibility to check ourselves in situations like this.

    If you insist on wearing the kilt, I would encourage you to be as subtle as possible in you color choices, and choice of accessories. Avoid the red tie, horse hair sporran etc. I'd go with the tweed jacket no waistcoat, blue tie, green hose.

    Have a good time regardless of your choice!

    Best regards,
    Go ahead and wear your kilt Kilted Rogue. A wedding is the perfect event to wear your finest. It is not a funeral. (Even then I would wear my kilt.) As a celebration of your friends' nuptials, nothing could be more appropriate. Your attitude will have more to do with how you are perceived than your kilt wearing. I too like the red tie and the rabbit looks great also. Caution with the sweater if there will be dancing . Most weddings end up with shirtsleeves on the dance floor. Save it for the stumble home. Hope the little one feels better.

  2. #32
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    Re: Outfit critique

    My two cents worth (and I'll accept change back ), I had attended a friend's wedding this past June. After checking with the rabble, I went with a shirt similar to yours, a solid colored tie that coordinated with the main color of my tartan. Also a tweed jacket, and a plain leather, day sporran. Essentially, the equivalent of wearing a sport jacket with slacks, dress shirt and necktie.

    With this in mind, with your jacket and shirt, I would go with the blue tie, if those are the only two choices. To my taste, the grey rabbit sporran is a bit dressier than I would like. But if those are the only two choices (i.e. you don't have a hunting sporran or a leather day sporran), then wear the rabbit. Remember this is the bride's day to shine, your job is to make her look, and feel good about letting you wear your kilt.
    One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.

    Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon

  3. #33
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    Re: Outfit critique

    I think in planning your attire (and its degree of formality), it would be important for us to know what the "dress code" is for the event. Is it formal, semi formal, casual, black tie or the unlikely "come as you are "?
    Last edited by Phifeman; 11th November 11 at 09:07 PM.

  4. #34
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    Re: Outfit critique

    The final outfit. I am on my way. May. N ot wear my bonnet but for now it's keeping my hair in place

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Alright, a former bride weighing in.

    If one of my guests (other than the piper of course, who was all decked out) went all peacock in a kilt and accessories, I would have loved it!!!!!! My bridesmaids, single friends, cougar chums would have been buying him hypothetical (it was an open bar, which would explain a lot of the candid photos) drinks all night!!

    I don't think a colorful tie and beautiful accessory is "loud" enough to steal the brides spotlight. She'll be alright, she already gave you the kilt go-ahead, do it up to the nines, man!

    The bride is in a gigantic white silk gown, with flowers and jewels and such... nothing takes away from her, no matter how long and hairy the sporran.*

    *referencing another thread

  6. #36
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    Re: Outfit critique

    You look great, KR! Hope to see you soon.....
    Clan Ogilvie; AF&AM/Scottish Rite/York Rite/Shriner; Charleston Scottish Society; Brotherhood of the Isle of Skye; Matt Newsome Kilt Owners Group

  7. #37
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    Re: Outfit critique

    I kind of have to agree with GGGP. What on earth are you contemplating that is going to overshadow the bride?

    Dude, you're stressing about a TIE. A tie.....get it? A tie. And socks.

    You're not going to ruin the couples day by wearing a red tie instead of a blue tie, or by wearing one solid color pair of socks versus another colored pair of socks. KR...it's SOCKS. You're stressing over SOCKS. -----Not an armed assault on the wedding party. IMHO...this is just me.....this is the kind of obsessing over details that is kind of pointless.

    For heavens sake, there's nothing outrageous about what you're wearing. Go to the wedding and have fun and slip a fifty in the brides bodice when you dance with her at the reception. And wear whichever tie and socks you happen to feel like.

    Relax, man.

  8. #38
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    Re: Outfit critique

    great looking set-up.
    I'd go with the grey hose and rabbit sporran

  9. #39
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    Re: Outfit critique

    I think you did very well. Congratulations. Have fun!

  10. #40
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    Re: Outfit critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Rogue View Post
    The final outfit. I am on my way.
    All systems are go, fire when ready Kilted Rogue!
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

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