Another welcome from the west coast, Andrew!
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
Welcome from us in FergusON
From the Mts. of Utah: MrBill
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire Listen to Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
Hail, and well met!
James Templeton sept of Clan Boyd
from Ohio.
Welcome to the rabble!!
from Northern Virginia.
Dee Ferret ad astra virtus
Welcome from Florida, although I am about to hop a plane top Toronto! Can you guys turn up the heat in Ontario for the next few days?
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior Welcome from Florida, although I am about to hop a plane top Toronto! Can you guys turn up the heat in Ontario for the next few days? I think we just turned the heat down, sorry KCW
Originally Posted by thescot Another avenue you might not have considered is purchasing a less expensive kilt for the time being, say a heavy wool from StillWater Kilts. If you buy it about a size smaller than perfect for now, you'll be able to wear it through several inches of weight loss and then replace it with a nice, 8 yard custom kilt when you reach your goal weight. This may be the sagest advice. I just received my first kilt a Stillwater wool. It cost me about $165 CDN with shipping and duty. They also have non-wool options for $45 less. Check them out at Gets you kilted for our next kilt night. Oh, and welcome from Burlington.
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