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  1. #11
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    Angry Tacky !!!!

    This is a nice addition to my website devoted to tackyness.

    Just go there : www.ketaineries.com

    And go to the "vetements (clothing)" and take a look on page 2.

    I hope you can read (and understand) french. Many elements related to kilts are listed.
    Pierre 'IQ89" Arpin
    AKA The unclonable

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  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well it looks as though the Traditionalists are in to bat first! Well ok perhaps not! Broadly, white hose are a modern(perhaps within the last 40 years) innovation. Mainly I think, brought about by kilt hire companies wanting to standardise things. Now, whether you like the look of white hose,or not, is down to the individual,but to many traditionalists the look is not liked one bit.

    Flat caps were worn with the kilt as a matter of course until about 1918 when for reasons that no one can explain satisfactorily they went out of fashion, one of those things I suppose. Anyway, these days in Scotland, the flat cap and the kilt are not often worn together. Across the Atlantic the flat cap and the kilt together seems to be a popular look. Unfortunately!

    Right then, things have in the past got very heated here in the past and I am sure the mods are watching this thread like a hawk, but it is a fair question that you asked. The other thing that you may notice is that I am the target of some good natured leg pulling on these subjects and as long as it stays good natured, it is just a bit of fun at my expense!
    Thank-you Jock for answering my prayers (as the token 'traditionalist' to respond with such alacrity). Perhaps you will kindly present your opinion on multiple-tartans in a single outfit as well... Thanks again!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    I'd say that's a rather avant garde if not nigh risqué look you have going for you there, Grant.

    Why not use a *real* chicken? Wait, wait, wait... I mean, 'Good on you!' ;)
    Last edited by Fit2BKilted; 27th June 09 at 09:25 PM. Reason: smilies req'd to convey joviality.

  4. #14
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  5. #15
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    Americans don't really wear flat caps or white hose... we put them on for pictures and post them when Jock Scot will be online.

    It's a strange way of showing affection and making sure he's needed.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fit2BKilted View Post
    Thank-you Jock for answering my prayers (as the token 'traditionalist' to respond with such alacrity). Perhaps you will kindly present your opinion on multiple-tartans in a single outfit as well... Thanks again!
    Oh crumbs! Generally speaking you can mix tartans of the SAME clan(the MacLeods and the MacDonalds,for example,are two clans that have many different tartans), but mixing tartans of different clans is not done. It may cause offence,even these days, particularly in Scotland. Now, YOU know that you are wearing a clan"A" tartan kilt because it was your father's and YOU may know that you are also wearing a clan "B" tartan tie because it was your mother's. Sadly, everyone else does not, and there lies the problem! As a general guide one should wear your father's tartan and only that.I know that is hard for some to understand,but on the whole we in Scotland,particularly in the Highlands,go along that line.

    Oh, tartan bonnets? Just not done old chap!

    Jock now dives for cover!

  7. #17
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    I say don't overdo the tartan. I once wore Maple Leaf kilt, shirt and tie. Now Maple Leaf is a gorgeous tartan but too much of a good thing? Never again!

  8. #18
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    Thumbs up Alright, chaps, we've had our fun... :-D

    I'm content to let this thread be locked.

    Thanks to everyone for their input!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    I say don't overdo the tartan. I once wore Maple Leaf kilt, shirt and tie. Now Maple Leaf is a gorgeous tartan but too much of a good thing? Never again!
    Now there's a thing! Grant has given some sensible advice! MODS, GRANT HAS COME UP WITH SOME SENSIBLE ADVICE!!MODS TAKE NOTE! MODS! OH MODS!!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    this has been a very interesting thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ... As a general guide one should wear your father's tartan and only that.I know that is hard for some to understand,but on the whole we in Scotland,particularly in the Highlands,go along that line.
    so Jock, where would a person stand if like in my mum's family the father is English (going back to at least 1730 that i've traced in the family tree) and not "entitled" to wear a tartan but the mother has family in Aberdeen going back to the 1600s?

    would you allow them to wear the mother's taran?

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