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  1. #11
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    When I was at the Houston Highland Games in May, I met an offical with the Highland Games and he was kind enough to give me his business card. I sent him an e-mail on the subject of this vendor at the Houston Highland Games and what I had learned on this forum. He replied asking that I fax him the invoice and other info which I just did a few minutes ago. When I took apart the sales slip, business card and credit card reciept stapled together to make a copy, I found at the top of the charge slip, "Clansman Knitwear". Appears that they are doing business under two different names. So buyer beware of Scottish Kilt Rental and Clansman Knitwear.
    I also mentioned to the gentleman from the games that I might be getting $24 worth of yelling in at this vendor if they are at the 2010 Houston Highland Games.
    So Thanks Everyone For The Great Information Source.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyMacLeod View Post
    Have their address? There's an easy fix. Call their local police department and explain what is going on. Often times they will send an officer to the place to see what they can do.
    I second that.

  3. #13
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    I googled both sites, and the contact info is the same. It appears Ralph is at it again.Report him to the better business bureau in his area. I'll check my records and see if I can find them. If I do, I'll edit this post to include it.

    Okay, I found the BBB url, here is a link:


    Below is a copy of the email that Ralph (clansman owner sent me just two days after I filed my complaint.

    "There was never a doubt that you were going to receive your order , it is on its way over right now with a lot of other kilts for other orders .

    We constantly tour and unfortunatly do not pick up or are able to access every e.mail as soon as sent , therefore your e.mail , new e.mail and BBB letter have all been received last night . .

    I am very dissappointed that you have decided to take this method , we offer an outstanding product at the best price in the country and have many , many thousands of satisfied customers .
    However we have nothing to hide and will be more than happy to explain ourselves to whoever .

    We turn over many hundreds of orders constantly with all expecting unfortunatly immediate attention and quite frankly we do as many as we can as quickly as we can . I apologise for our lack of getting back to you ,we are overwhelmed with orders this year and either we are getting on with them or spending all day on the phone , we are a small company and cannot do both but do as much as we can to suffice both , on this occassion we did not .

    My direct line is (707) 853 1527 and point of contact in the east Coast is (252) 771 5422 and I will have one of staff contact you and we can get you sorted out . We will deal with your BBB request and the new one , well I do not know what to say , never had it in 7 years but that is your perogative . Not getting an immediate return on your e.mail does not constitute us being a fraudulant company . I didn't bring in the best deals in the country to have an operation such as that ."

    Yours Sincerely
    Ralph Neilson

    The part about never having any complaints against him was a total lie. when I filed my complaint, I found several others filed before mine. The east coast phone number is probably not the current one, as that operation was located in North Carolina
    Last edited by Jerry; 5th October 09 at 05:32 AM. Reason: Found it
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawlinson View Post
    I second that.
    In civil matters, the local police department is not going to get involved.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    I googled both sites, and the contact info is the same. It appears Ralph is at it again.Report him to the better business bureau in his area. I'll check my records and see if I can find them. If I do, I'll edit this post to include it.

    Okay, I found the BBB url, here is a link:


    Below is a copy of the email that Ralph (clansman owner sent me just two days after I filed my complaint.

    "There was never a doubt that you were going to receive your order , it is on its way over right now with a lot of other kilts for other orders .

    We constantly tour and unfortunatly do not pick up or are able to access every e.mail as soon as sent , therefore your e.mail , new e.mail and BBB letter have all been received last night . .

    I am very dissappointed that you have decided to take this method , we offer an outstanding product at the best price in the country and have many , many thousands of satisfied customers .
    However we have nothing to hide and will be more than happy to explain ourselves to whoever .

    We turn over many hundreds of orders constantly with all expecting unfortunatly immediate attention and quite frankly we do as many as we can as quickly as we can . I apologise for our lack of getting back to you ,we are overwhelmed with orders this year and either we are getting on with them or spending all day on the phone , we are a small company and cannot do both but do as much as we can to suffice both , on this occassion we did not .

    My direct line is (707) 853 1527 and point of contact in the east Coast is (252) 771 5422 and I will have one of staff contact you and we can get you sorted out . We will deal with your BBB request and the new one , well I do not know what to say , never had it in 7 years but that is your perogative . Not getting an immediate return on your e.mail does not constitute us being a fraudulant company . I didn't bring in the best deals in the country to have an operation such as that ."

    Yours Sincerely
    Ralph Neilson

    The part about never having any complaints against him was a total lie. when I filed my complaint, I found several others filed before mine. The east coast phone number is probably not the current one, as that operation was located in North Carolina
    I'll check it out. I sent Ralph a message on Facebook too and he never responded. He only responded once to me on July 7th with the promise that the items would be sent. He has ignored my e-mails since. I'll mess with the BBB when I'm on my days off. Ralphs note to you is: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    I googled both sites, and the contact info is the same. It appears Ralph is at it again.Report him to the better business bureau in his area. I'll check my records and see if I can find them. If I do, I'll edit this post to include it.

    Okay, I found the BBB url, here is a link:


    Below is a copy of the email that Ralph (clansman owner sent me just two days after I filed my complaint.

    "There was never a doubt that you were going to receive your order , it is on its way over right now with a lot of other kilts for other orders .

    We constantly tour and unfortunatly do not pick up or are able to access every e.mail as soon as sent , therefore your e.mail , new e.mail and BBB letter have all been received last night . .

    I am very dissappointed that you have decided to take this method , we offer an outstanding product at the best price in the country and have many , many thousands of satisfied customers .
    However we have nothing to hide and will be more than happy to explain ourselves to whoever .

    We turn over many hundreds of orders constantly with all expecting unfortunatly immediate attention and quite frankly we do as many as we can as quickly as we can . I apologise for our lack of getting back to you ,we are overwhelmed with orders this year and either we are getting on with them or spending all day on the phone , we are a small company and cannot do both but do as much as we can to suffice both , on this occassion we did not .

    My direct line is (707) 853 1527 and point of contact in the east Coast is (252) 771 5422 and I will have one of staff contact you and we can get you sorted out . We will deal with your BBB request and the new one , well I do not know what to say , never had it in 7 years but that is your perogative . Not getting an immediate return on your e.mail does not constitute us being a fraudulant company . I didn't bring in the best deals in the country to have an operation such as that ."

    Yours Sincerely
    Ralph Neilson

    The part about never having any complaints against him was a total lie. when I filed my complaint, I found several others filed before mine. The east coast phone number is probably not the current one, as that operation was located in North Carolina
    I have started the process with the BBB by filing a complaint with them. Ralph Neilson is not going to be a happy camper.

  7. #17
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    I looked at Epinions.com and on the subject of Clansman Knitwear, there are many unhappy customers.

  8. #18
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    Scottish Kilt Rental and Clansman Knitwear are also in Oakdale, Pa. This was the city on the card the vendor gave to me. So I filled a complaint with the Western Pa. BBB on Clansman Knitwear and Scottish Kilt Rental. The Western Pa. BBB gives Clansman Knitwear a D+ in their ratings system from A+ to F. In the Epinions.com comments on Clansman Knitwear, one writer claims that Ralph Neilson runs his company from Scotland and is trying to get a visa to come to the USA. Don't know if there is any truth to that but its interesting.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdriskill3 View Post
    Scottish Kilt Rental and Clansman Knitwear are also in Oakdale, Pa. This was the city on the card the vendor gave to me. So I filled a complaint with the Western Pa. BBB on Clansman Knitwear and Scottish Kilt Rental. The Western Pa. BBB gives Clansman Knitwear a D+ in their ratings system from A+ to F. In the Epinions.com comments on Clansman Knitwear, one writer claims that Ralph Neilson runs his company from Scotland and is trying to get a visa to come to the USA. Don't know if there is any truth to that but its interesting.
    I do know that he lived in the Vallejo Ca. in 2004. I thought he was an American citizen back then, but he could possibly have been here on a visa. I never got to speak with him in person during my 9 month plus dealings with him, so I couldn't say whether or not he had a Scottish accent. His voice mail voice did sound like any other Californian though.The whole living in Scotland thing could be just another one of his many lies. The best thing for you to do is to get as much of your order as you are able to.. Also keep an eye out on these boards to try and make sure no one else is taken in. One other thing you can try. Many states have a "consumer affairs department or something similar. You can look online to see if Pa. has one and file a complaint there. It is usually under control of the state attorney general's office
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  10. #20
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    I sent an e-mail to Ralph Neilson which was the reply that he had sent me in July 2009 with an added note. Told him that I had filed a complaint with the BBB and complained to an official with the Houston Highland Games about his vendor. I also told him that I was going to let everyone know that "Scottish Kilt Rental" and "Clansman Knitwear" can't deliver the goods. I ended it with, "Let the games begin."
    I got a reply e-mail from him saying that they had mailed the two items the day before and he tried calling me. Well it was on my wife's cellphone. The message was in a Scottish drawl, "John, this is Ralph, call me at my phone number on the website." I erased the message. Why should I call Ralph on my dime? He sent me another e-mail wanting a phone number so he could talk to me and I replied that I didn't have the time to listen to excuses since it had been close to 6 months nor any whining. The BBB in Pa. has sent Ralph a letter of complaint, so it begins. So Ralph can send my items. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

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