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  1. #21
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    Oh to have a summer day of 84 degrees!

    I would ditch the vest and switch to yellow garters.

  2. #22
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    I like the way the colors look together, but I agree that the short sleeves look out of balance with a vest, and worse when the vest is buttoned. I also agree that long sleeves rolled up would look better, but I personally think that look is a bit silly for summer. Going with the theme of "It's summer," I would put the wool vest away until the temperature dips below 70 degrees F or so.

    Here's a question for the strict traditionalists: Would a highland gentleman have rolled up his sleeves, or even have appeared in public in shirt sleeves?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    Here's a question for the strict traditionalists: Would a highland gentleman have rolled up his sleeves, or even have appeared in public in shirt sleeves?
    The Highland gentlemen (and peers) that I've met seem to be a pretty hardy, heat-tolerant bunch, despite the fact that weather in Scotland is generally much cooler than here in the South. In most cases, even in upper 80's/mid 90's heat they tend to keep their jackets on for the "official bits" of Games attendance. That being said, when it comes to really blistering temperatures they remove their jackets, although I've rarely seen them remove their ties or roll their sleeves.

  4. #24
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    U and non-U shirt sleeves

    One of the hidden rules of British behaviour is that gentlemen only turn back the cuffs of their shirts two or three turns. Turning the cuffs back to above the elbow is considered to be very much "working class" (and decidedly non-U).

    Short sleeve shirts tend to be very much a matter of personal taste, and those chiefs (certainly U) who spend much time at Scottish games in the USA will be seen in short sleeve shirts; the Earl of Caithness comes to mind in this instance. Indeed, the short sleeve shirt is not and was not unknown in Scotland; a quick glance through those "Clan and Tartan" books published by Johnson and Bacon in the immediate post-war era have several illustrations of men in kilts wearing short sleeve shirts.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan's son View Post
    Again, only my silly opinion...but you did ask

    Good on ya for the courage seek input.
    Yes, I did ask and I appreciate all the feedback! A discussion based around a specific example is very helpful for me and I hope others find value in this as well

    My outfit was actually not too carefully considered, because I ran out of time... too focused on cleaning and polishing my steel toe Doc Martens, which appear to have passed enough muster to avoid offending anyone's eye

    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Onother observation, again purely personal. Charcoal socks. Nothing wrong with them at all... Some people hate Black socks, fine... some people hate white socks, fine... My personal bug is charcoal socks and for the life of me I couldn't work out why till it dawned on me I used to wear them in school... with shorts. They will always look like schoolboy socks to me. Sozz!
    My lass says the same thing about grey pants and maroon sweaters

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Just a suggestion... if one were to desire to wear a waistcoat with a short sleeved shirt such as that, try a waistcoat without the Argyle pocket flaps, and leave the waistcoat open. It will have more of a casual look that I think would "jive" better with the short sleeved shirt.
    I hadn't ever considered leaving a waistcoat unbuttoned but I think you're right that it would help to make it more casual. Didn't realize that scalloped pocket flaps were considered dressy, especially in tweed with horn buttons... learn something new all the time around here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Oh to have a summer day of 84 degrees!

    I would ditch the vest and switch to yellow garters.
    Yes, 84 degrees was not too bad... this week it went up to a record setting 118 degrees (48 Celsius)!

    As for the yellow garter ties, MoR had the same suggestion on a different thread... I have them on order with a friend who knits. She had a new baby not too long ago, so my garters are on the back burner for her.

    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I thought you looked fine. Perhaps if you post a picture of the pair of us you'll look even better in comparison.
    At a place like Graffiti's I'm sure few would know the difference, eh?

    Here are the two of us together to illustrate a contrast in approaches:
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMcG View Post
    Here are the two of us together to illustrate a contrast in approaches:
    There, you see? I didn't even polish my shoes!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    There, you see? I didn't even polish my shoes!

    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
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  8. #28
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post

    Here's a question for the strict traditionalists: Would a highland gentleman have rolled up his sleeves, or even have appeared in public in shirt sleeves?

    These paintings are all from the mid-1800s and show Highland shepherds. So yes, then the circumstances warranted it, the shirt sleeves were rolled up!

  9. #29
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    Oh dear Matt, we are heading into the fog,mire and general misunderstandings of the social world that existed and in some ways still exist in Britain. Right or wrong, these social pitfalls probably exist here more than anywhere else in the world and as such are an almost complete mystery to the majority! In consequence, many subtleties (the pictures illustrate this) and general day to day quirks of the social minefield that are not noticed or understood, by those who do not understand.

    Anyway, wonderful people though they were and are, shepherds are not gentlemen! Gentlemen in the days of the pictures were rather averse to physical effort(some still are!!) and most certainly would not deem that handling a sheep, never mind a flock of them, as a fitting pastime for a gentleman. Note the "gentlemen" standing and sitting in the background of the pictures-----no rolled up sleeves there, or much physical effort either! No sorry, its is very bad form for a gentleman to roll the sleeves above the elbow. LOL
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 24th July 11 at 08:11 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. #30
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    Unless he happened/happens to be in the Military and dressed in Summer Order before 18:00 o'clock.... But then yet still, he probably wouldn't have rolled his own sleeves up, he'd have some 'Oik' from the ranks to do it for him. [Only kidding Jock ]

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