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  1. #1
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    Getting a new sporran- need color advice.

    So I'm looking to upgrade my sporran. Right now I have a white rabbit fur full dress with chrome cantle.

    I don't really like it- too much white with the tartan. I was thinking about getting a Saltire sporran.

    Is that a good sporran for full dress? Or is it only a semi dress kind of thing?
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #2
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    Since you're asking opinions, I'll toss in mine. I don't like the saltire sporran. IMO, the kilt is far scottish enough without having to add a fur Saltire to the front of it. I think it looks too much of a novelty kind of thing. And, in comparison to your existing white fur sporran, it's not that much less white when you really look at it (it's probably 75% white itself.) I'd say perhaps a black or grey fur dress sporran if you're trying to get away from the white. And, if you're looking for an upgrade, consider a Ferguson Britt or L&M sporran. Both well worth the coin.

  3. #3
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    I would say that whatever pleases you and makes you feel comfortable should be what you wear.

    My dress sporran sounds very similar to yours - and I personally like the look of the white fur and silver. It sets off the white shirt (or when I used to wear a Montross the white jabot and cuffs) and silver metal (buttons, buckle, kilt pin, etc).

    I've seen the Saltire and while I would say it is entirely appropriate for a dress sporran, I don't much care for it myself. But, like I said, you need to wear what you like and feel comfortable with, so if you like the Saltire, go for it.

  4. #4
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    I have looked at your outfit and given it some thought.

    You are looking to upgrade your sporran, but I think that Saltire sporran would be quite garish with the clergy tartan you are wearing.

    If you are looking to invest in a good quality dress sporran you can't go wrong with a Fergusson Brit model (and they are appropriate a of variety of levels of formality).

    For an affordable choice I would stick a simpler leather dress sporran

    Something like this


    There is a little more restraint in this sporran than either the Saltire one you are thinking about or the one you are wearing in the picture above.

    (Plus Sport Kilt is offering a 10% discount to X Markers this month in you put in the code listed on the November Sponsor of the Month thread)

    Looking at your photo the thing that draws my attention more than anything else is your thick rubber soled shoes. To me they just don't work with a formal jacket and waistcoat.

    Were I you, my first priority would be to go to Target or Ross and purchase an inexpensive pair of actual dress shoes.

    Just my two cents


    -See it there, a white plume
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  5. #5
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    Oh dear... Nighthawk has shoes with Frankenstein monster soles. You might also look through the Celtic Croft econemy sporrans if the money is tight, Nighthawk. I have their cromed cantle dress sporran. It wouldn't be for black tie, but you know...
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Oh dear... Nighthawk has shoes with Frankenstein monster soles. You might also look through the Celtic Croft econemy sporrans if the money is tight, Nighthawk. I have their cromed cantle dress sporran. It wouldn't be for black tie, but you know...
    Yes I do. They're great on snow and ice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    Looking at your photo the thing that draws my attention more than anything else is your thick rubber soled shoes. To me they just don't work with a formal jacket and waistcoat.

    Just my two cents


    Had to bring that up, didn't you? Actually, the truth is that I had ordered a pair of ghillies from USAK back in January. They were stuck in customs for 2 months (don't bring it up to Rocky- he wrote a rather lengthy rant of an email to me about it.) They actually arrived at my house the day of the wedding- I was in Arizona and they were on my porch in Denver. I had spent my money on two plane tickets and simply didn't have anything left for shoes. It was a sore spot for me... and still is.

    On the other hand, thank you for the rest of your advice. It is good. I am coming to agree with you on the garishness of the Saltire sporran, the more I turn it over in my head.

    I now have good shoes.
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  7. #7
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    Very good then Sir, carry on


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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Very good then Sir, carry on


    Thanks! I know a lot of people here don't like ghillies, but I love them, myself- and Scotweb Store's tutorial on how to tie them for guys with big legs- which I am being a 300 pound hiker and martial artist- was most helpful.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  9. #9
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    The Saltire would not do it for me either. I certainly am glad you are second guessing it as a viable option. If I were you I would look at L&M Sporrans I have two of thier sporrans, a daywear and a sealskin dress, while I realize you can not have a sealskin in the US they offer a faux version. If those are not your idea of a dress sporran then I also say a Ferguson Britt may be the way to go, I've also got two of them, and have had nothing but compliments from them, they are wonderful sporrans, and I'm sure you would enjoy one for years to come.

    Both of these options are going to be relitively expensive however in my mind you get what you pay for.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    The Saltire would not do it for me either. I certainly am glad you are second guessing it as a viable option. If I were you I would look at L&M Sporrans I have two of thier sporrans, a daywear and a sealskin dress, while I realize you can not have a sealskin in the US they offer a faux version. If those are not your idea of a dress sporran then I also say a Ferguson Britt may be the way to go, I've also got two of them, and have had nothing but compliments from them, they are wonderful sporrans, and I'm sure you would enjoy one for years to come.

    Both of these options are going to be relitively expensive however in my mind you get what you pay for.
    Grey... Now that's an idea! And honestly, I really dislike the Ferguson Britt sporrans. I think they're incredibly ugly. But then, we all have our own taste and style. The L&M ones, on the other hand, look great. I now need to find someone who carries them. I like the grey sealskin ones. Thanks for the advice.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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